When it comes to swimming pool equipment, the pool pump is the heart of the operation. If the pump isn’t working correctly, you will see a lot of problems with water clarity and other issues pop up. How to troubleshoot your pool pump is a question the swimming pool contractors from Seahorse Pools in Fort Worth, Texas get asked all the time.
What should you know about a pool pump? It consists of:
- The lid
- Strainer housing and basket
- Pump drain plug
- The pump housing
- The impeller
- The pool pump motor and shaft
How to troubleshoot your pool pump
What are some of the issues you may encounter with your swimming pool pump?
- Stopping and starting frequently. If the pump won’t turn on or if it shuts off almost immediately, it could be an electrical problem — check the fuses.
- If it gets overheated quickly check for dirt and debris build-up within the motorFrustrated by adding chemicals and trying to keep your pool clear all the time?
- There is a low water flow even though the pump is running. Check the filter gauge and check the pump suction and the o-ring
- Does the pump need to be primed
- Check for leaks and standing water around the pump. This could be because of leaking o-rings and cracked o-rings. Replace or seal them with a lubricant to keep them soft and pliable.
- The pool pump is sucking in air. This could be because there is a cracked pump, faulty thread sealant, damaged or cracked o-rings, a leaky valve, plumbing problem, loose pump lid or a crack in the pump
- It’s gotten noisy. You don’t want to be swimming and having to talk over the top of a noisy pump! This could be because it needs better water flow and might be blocked. Check the pump for blocked plumbing lines
- The basket in the pump won’t fill and the reason could be as simple as needing to clean the filter and pump basket.
- You hear it humming but it just won’t start fully. Again, debris could be the problem and it could be jamming up the impeller. If you hear a buzzing sound from the pump motor this indicates the power is reaching the motor but it isn’t starting the impeller — check for a build up of rust in the motor or for a bad capacitor.
How do you know if your pump is about to die?
- The pounds per square inch is too high
- The pounds per square inch is too low
- It is leaking all the time
- It needs to be constantly primed
If you are stumped on the reason for the problem with your swimming pool pump, give us a call because this is not an issue to ignore.